Friday 30 May 2008

EastEnders star glad about marriage split

'EastEnders' star Lacey Turner has revealed that she is glad that her character Stacey split from husband Bradley.
The screen couple's relationship came to an end after Bradley, played by Charlie Clements, discovered that Stacey was having an affair with his father Max (Jake Wood).
Turner said: "It sounds horrible but I never wanted her to settle down. She and Bradley were great together, and I loved working with Charlie, but I prefer Stacey when she's loud and nutty."
"She's such fun to play when she's shouting her mouth off at everyone in the Queen Vic. And she's far too young to get married."

Tuesday 6 May 2008

Beckinsale talks about cat rescue drama

Beckinsale talks about cat rescue drama

Actress Kate Beckinsale has revealed that her pet quat caught fire from a candle at her home as she was getting ready for the Screen Actors Guild Awards last weekend.
The actress said that the cat was now all right just explained that she had got a fear when she saw that he had caught fire.
Beckinsale said: "Our computerized axial tomography, Robert Clive, caught fervidness on a candle. As I was acquiring cook, on that point was a 'whoosh', like a fireball, and he went up like a rocket."
She continued: "He's finely. He had no mind what had happened to him."